
Content and links for custom website Dashboard page

Congratulations and welcome to your website!


Your website is built on a theme called Divi.  Divi is a super flexible and easy to use platform that makes managing your site a breeze.  Just like riding a bike or learning to drive a car, the more you practice and get into it, the easier it will become to manage and maintain it without the need to hire someone to help.

Here is a quick intro overview of your Dashboard and Navigation

Here is an overview of Posts, Pages, and Menu Navigation

Here is an overview of Plugins and Settings

You can access additional documentation and specific training videos on how to use additional Divi features by going to Appearance >> Divi Training on the left-hand toolbar.

About WordPress

If you’re wanting to know more about WordPress and gain a better understanding of how to use it, you’ll want to access more in-depth tutorials to do so.  I recommend the site www.wp101.com to do so.  You can also Google your questions on YouTube and find hundreds of videos on a variety of topics and training styles.

From here, go explore, try things out and let me know if you have any questions.

If you find yourself stuck on an issue, and aren’t having luck with YouTube videos, I suggest you purchase a membership with Divi so that you can access tech support and helpful resources. Here is a link to purchase membership.

Enjoy your new site!
